Thursday, July 17, 2014


This week's blog concerns what resources and information I need to execute my GAME plan. I am having a little difficulty identifying separate resources for each goal. My first goal deals with designing experiences and assessments with technology to promote learning and creativity. A starting point for me will be to look at ISTE's student performance profile for grades 9-12. This list "provide us with an idea of the types of activities that ISTE considers appropriate for demonstrating mastery standards for students" (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p. 9).  I can use the list to focus on ideas to begin to search for helpful sites.  The technology coordinator will be a valuable resource as she will know what our system allows or prohibits and can guide and support my goal.  The collaboration will be an ongoing process; I would like to discuss my classroom projects with others at my school or online to get their feedback especially if they have been involved in similar projects. This meeting time would have to be prearranged.   To elicit student feedback, I considered using an online survey or classroom clickers.

My second goal, 5c, requires me to reflect regularly on the use of technology/resources to support student learning.  All of the above resources will be needed. I have been slowly investigating sites that Dr. L. suggests in our course.  I have been reflecting by considering my content and asking numerous questions about how the technology can be used or how it could help my students.  Another valuable resource will be our book's companion website that offers tutorial links to help reach my goal.


Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009).  Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.


  1. Kay,

    I know that you said that you weren't sure if you were on the right track for finding separate resources for each goal, but it seems like you have a great plan started. You mentioned using the ISTE's student performance profile to begin. I think that is one of the best places to start. It provides a guide for types of activities to look for and from there you can look for things that fit your specific class. I have had great luck looking on blogs from other educators to find ideas for integrating technology in a way that fosters creativity and critical thinking. It can feel like a time consuming process at first as you filter through various blogs, but once you find a couple you like they can be hugely beneficial.

    I like that you are thinking about having your students provide feedback with an online survey or clickers. That is a great way to continue to utilize technology and further their 21st century skills as they provide you with the information you need.

    It looks to me like you are getting off to a great start with your GAME plan. I wish you the best of luck!


  2. Thank you, Amy, for your reassurance. This blog is beneficial as we can bounce ideas off of one another and receive great feedback. I will look into other blogs as you suggested to help guide me along with my GAME plan. I appreciate your feedback.
